IT consultations, analyses and studies of

Compas > IT consultations, analyses and studies of

Consultations and Analyses

We assist you in preparation and implementation of production IT projects. We offer consultations for preparation of IT functions necessary for the implementation of the client’s plan with regard to the economy of the solution, stages and project scheduling. Our IT consultants will help you minimize risks associated with the plan, and/or put forward proposals for the improvement on the field of MES.

We offer services for Production IT:

  • Consultations for production IT
  • Assistance in drawing up project specifications, user specification respectively (URS)
  • Specification of production IT functions
  • Design of the HW architecture, e.g. clients terminals in production, electronics for machine data acquisition, PC and data networks
  • Proposal for MES system solution
  • Proposal for optimum project implementation, implementation of IT functions, schedule, commissioning

Studies on Manufacturing Execution Systems

The study deals with a proposal for a planned solution. It brings about summary information about upcoming project, its possible technical solution and economic parameters. The study is a suitable source material for concrete investment decisions of the company management or for tenders.