Frequently asked questions

Compas > Frequently asked questions

Answer of COMPAS:

COMES has successfully been used in discrete and line production processes e.g. engineering and automotive. Very complex applications for batch manufacturing processes with a link to technological automation, such as pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food and beverage industries. COMES, at the same time, employs functions for managing continuous production processes. We have interesting applications even for other production fields e.g. metallurgy, building, packaging production, or special applications e.g. test rooms and testing devices.

Answer of COMPAS:

Already from 2008 COMES solutions provide clients with concept of Eletronic Production Management, which folows the same goals as Industry 4.0 vision. However the concept is not only vision but COMPAS delivers to its clients real applications based od vertical system integration ERP – COMES – automation. The concept allows to enhance production flexibility (faster product exchange), higher productivity and effectiveness with assurance of high quality of production and other benefits. The concept allows to reduce paper documents in production management to minimum with reduction of administrative costs. One of the COMES applications of control over assembly lines received the IT project of the year award.

With the development of intelligent technical means such as senzors, actuators, sensitive robots or machines those can be implemented to the Electronic production management for futher plant development in the Industry 4.0 vision.

Answer of COMPAS:

COMES system allows you to make partial use of it by adding functions in a puzzle-like manner. It brings the user an fast economic benefit by incorporating the selected function or module and shows the way how to implement MES function for operational planning and production management without any lengthy analysis.

Note: The implementation of COMES modules and in praxis proven COMES concepts, applications and functions with integrated process know-how brings about both the instantaneous benefits arising from the optimization of plant’s processes and savings on costs spent on preparation works and IT analyses, which is in many cases economically advantageous. No matter how much the preparation and analyses are recommended by the IT experts, the IT/MES systems are usually less complicated than ERP systems. MES functions are often put into effect only as partial ones that deliver value to the user and therefore these functions may well be implemented without extensive analysis.

Answer of COMPAS

We tailor the communication to IT or ERP systems of the enterprise according to the requirements of the customer. From the interface point of view, the COMES is open to application engineers and has no technical limits in view of communication with any IT system. We’ve implemented communications with well know global systems as SAP, QAD, MS DYN, Glovia and others as well as czech origin ERP´s such as HELIOS, QI, OR SYSTEM, DIMENZE etc.